Yes Directory
Group controlled public listings
Shows the location of every IndyApp registered Yes group and Yes Hub in Scotland. Search by your area or simply browse the country. Select any pin for group name and location, select again to go to that group’s ‘front door’ for their profile and to make direct contact. All group ‘Front Door’ info is published by the group themselves and contact is direct to each group’s own membership.
As each new group forms and joins the IndyApp network, the IndyMap grows automatically - showing clearly the size and reach of Scotland's grassroots desire for Independence.
Search for any registered Yes Group on the platform. Search by group name, address, town, postcode or any other keywords you fancy. Select the group and choose to view it on the map or go straight to the group’s Front door to see their profile and contact info.
Find the local group that suits you, meet up, join and get campaigning…
Indy Events
Where all users can search for Yes events being run anywhere in the country. These events are listed directly by Yes Groups and automatically collated as a searchable national listing by IndyApp. Users can contact any group’s listing direct. Groups can search their own proposed event dates and coordinate to avoid unintended clashes or double bookings.
Yes is a social movement, and a great Yes event is often the first place that a person discovers their own place in that movement. IndyApp wants to help the Yes groups make that social discovery as simple as possible for as many people as possible.
Indy Actions
Is an open listing of every ‘National Action Room’ being run across the Country. This listing gives a simple way for any IndyApp user to browse, find and contact those in charge of the campaigns that interest them.
Helping Yes volunteers find their campaign passions and Yes campaigns find their passionate volunteers – wherever they may be...