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Registering on IndyApp is a personal declaration of support for Scottish Independence and provides each user with their own unique Supporter Number within the grassroots YES movement 

When you are ready, upgrade from Supporter to full Member of grassroots YES by joining any local pro Indy group on the IndyApp.

You can remove yourself from your declaration at any time by deleting yourself from the IndyApp.


Registering your Declaration

is much more than getting counted for YES. It is about building our own Indy network, away from policy arguments and party political divisions.


A place to simply support Scotland's democratic

demand for Independence


... no strings attached

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STRATEGY​                   Unity in diversity



Assembling Scotland's already convinced Indy majority into a single YES count is not simple, as there are as many differing hopes and priorities driving each YES vote as there are Indy supporters. This is what makes YESers so passionate and our Independence movement so fantastically unruly and diverse.


And... if 2014 proved anything, it is that our diversity and unruly passions are the YES movement´s campaigning superpowers!


Genuine unity within such diversity is only possible when every supporter feels they are in a shared movement for Scottish Independence (and independence alone) - not mobilised around a

job lot of post indy policy compromises and someone else's social vision.of a new Scotland.

YES support is personal  and gets adopted on our own personal terms. It is heart felt passion and conviction that unites us all around Independence, not post independence policies that are yet to be decided!


It was this obvious passion and conviction that, in 2014, convinced friends, family and work mates to move from NO to YES consistently, person by person.


So, that is our template. Reach out and register as many of the existing 54% as possible. Rally all those who already want Independence and need no convincing. Empower the collective passion and conviction needed to inspire our own social circles of family, friends and workmates to register themselves and be counted for YES.


Refuse to be ignored! 


Help make Scotland´s majority support for YES a permanent feature of our national debate - Independent of party politics,  personal rivalries and transient election results.

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Is your group live and contactable on the YES Directory yet?

Please check for yourself by downloading the IndyApp, get counted and then use the YES Directory to find and contact your own group. If you cannot find your group using IndyGroups on the directory then please register your group with us below

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Get Counted for Indy
and get your friends, family and workmates counted too!

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